Do not be scared by the man in this picture, nor the rest of them behind the curtain.
Watch the video and sign the petition You’ll feel a lot less scared. Promise!
All Central Texans — we REALLY need you in San Antonio at High Noon on Tuesday, November 10th. We have a bus coming from Burleson County and vans from other counties. Click here to reserve a seat.
If you’re tired of SAWS (San Antonio Water System) trying to be the water warlords of central Texas at your expense, you must be at this event.
Conservative rural Texans will meet urban progressives — in an unlikely coalition — to join hands in prayer and across the 142-mile Vista Ridge pipeline. We will deliver thousands of signatures to the San Antonio City Council urging them to do the right thing and stop the SAWS horror show, otherwise known as Vista Ridge.
Happy Halloween, stay safe this weekend and please share our video and plans with your friends across Texas.